HackTheBox - Codify write up
Codify recon I ran a simple nmap scan to find out port 22, 80 and 3000 are running on the machine $ nmap Starting Nmap 7.94 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2023-11-28 13:40 +01 Nmap scan re...
Codify recon I ran a simple nmap scan to find out port 22, 80 and 3000 are running on the machine $ nmap Starting Nmap 7.94 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2023-11-28 13:40 +01 Nmap scan re...
pilgrimage recon examining the I ran a simple nmap scan to find out port 22 and 80 are running on the machine $ nmap -v -oN ports -v # Nmap 7.94 scan initiated Sat Jul 8 20:01:58 ...
b3dr0ck recon I added the machine’s IP to my /etc/hosts as bedrock.thm then ran an nmap scan to find ssh and http ports open $ sudo nmap bedrock.thm -v PORT STATE SERVICE 22/tcp open ssh...
recon I added the machine’s IP to my /etc/hosts as nope.thm then ran an nmap scan to find ssh and http ports open $ sudo nmap nope.thm -v PORT STATE SERVICE 22/tcp open ssh 80/tcp open http...
recently I’ve played ransomware101 room in secdojo website where I was given a windows box that has a flag ecrypted by a ransomware, and I had to figure out the decryption key to recover it, the ra...
Written by hypervis0r and Jeff Introduction It was a cold winter morning. hypervis0r had just woken up at 1 AM because his sleep schedule was royally fucked, and he hopped onto the private phaset...
recently, hackthebox started an event called take it easy, where it made a bunch of retired easy machine accessible to everyone, so here’s my write up for the first box I’ve rooted in the event ...
about the machine skynet is an easy-rated machine from TryHackMe with the themes being samba/http enumeration and file inclusion Reconnaissance As always I added the box to my /etc/hosts file ...
about the machine this is the second medium-rated machine from wonderland series on tryhackme, a sequel to the wonderland challenge Reconnaissance I added the box ip to my hosts file then a ran...
about the machine this is a medium rated box from tryhackme, thought a little too easy if you asked me Reconnaissance I added the box ip to my hosts file then a ran a quick nmap scan # Nmap 7....